When I was a classroom teacher, I could relate to the image above: Productivity = 100% Hard Work. I worked late into the evenings. Graded on the weekends. And, I felt I had to bring home my teacher bag with student work EVERY DAY. Of course, I didn’t always work on schoolwork after my contractual time, but my belief about productivity propelled me to bring that teacher bag home. Over time, I regularly got burned out. My spouse would comment about how “pale” I was looking - her subtle way of saying I don’t look well. In short, 100% hard work, all the time, wasn’t working; it was not sustainable.
My beliefs about productivity shifted. Part of being productive is being whole — monitoring and being attentive to your wellness. Regardless of being a pre-service student, student teacher (think edTPA), classroom teacher, job applicant, at some point, you will be physically and mentally challenged. And not only is attention to self-care paramount to ensure you are whole and healthy not only to yourself but also to your students and families.
“Every child deserves an educator that is present, rested, positive, and passionate about the work. To start your self-care efforts, strive to be imperfect, set boundaries, build healthy habits, and continue learning.”
Where to start? Well, If you want to be more productive, start by giving yourself permission to invest time in learning more about self-care and building healthy habits. In Pathway to Teaching learn about the importance of being imperfect, setting boundaries, and developing healthy habits. Another incredible resource on self-care is Dr. Tina Boogren’s Take Time for You: Self-Care Action Plans for Educators. This book offers a range of manageable research-based strategies, self-care surveys, and reflective teaching questions that will guide you in developing an individualized self-care plan.
Also, lean into social media. Social media offers community and resources around self-care, especially as self-care intersects with education. Search #selfcare on Twitter or Facebook to discover other educators, incredible ideas, and thought-leaders on this important topic.
Finally, start self-care ASAP - do something today! Plan something related to self-care tomorrow. And, stay committed to your journey of self-care and wholesome productivity!
Left: Dr. Eric Hougan, author of Pathway to Teaching
Right: Dr. Tina Boogren, author of Take Time for You: Self-Care Action Plans