About Pathway to Teaching
The Website
Road to Teaching - the website - is dedicated to supporting current and aspiring teachers through an education blog, the web’s largest collection of teacher interview questions, edTPA resources, advice on student teacher topics, finding a teaching job, and much more!
The Book
Maximize your teacher training, excel at student teaching, and find your ideal teaching job. Pathway to Teaching gives beginning teachers and job seekers a wide variety of valuable strategies and expert advice, allowing for a smooth transition from student teacher to exemplary teacher. Use Pathway to Teaching as a tool to navigate the unique stages of becoming an educator and helping you standout in today's competitive job market.
“Being a teacher is as hard as it is rewarding. Becoming a teacher is getting harder every day. With this guide, Hougan makes the process much easier to understand and accomplish successfully. If you’re considering teaching as a career, this is a must-read. ”
“ Dr. Hougan speaks to the complexity and demands of becoming a teacher. If any teacher candidate is aiming to thrive in their preparation program, rather than just survive, Pathway to Teaching is the guide to help them navigate through the process. Hougan’s strategies, tips, and systems go beyond the teacher preparation program. He sets future teachers up for success without burning themselves out before they ever enter their classrooms.”
“Dr. Hougan has written the best book for anyone considering teaching as a career. If you want to be prepared for it all, read this book! ”
“ Pathway to Teaching is a must-read for teacher candidates of all ages. As a high school Teacher Academy teacher, I appreciate having a text that is current, informative, and written in student-friendly language. Although this book was not written specifically for high school students, Dr. Hougan takes what can be considered information overload and breaks it into practical chunks that promote great class discussion.”
The Author
Dr. Hougan is passionate about researching ways to support classroom teachers, specifically through teacher feedback and technology.
Associate professor in teacher education at Central Washington University
Earned Ph.D. from University of Washington
National Board Certified Teacher
Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) Emerging Leader
Author of Pathway to Teaching: A Guide to Teacher Training, Student Teaching, and Finding a Job.